"The Little Engine That Could..."
Strictly Air-Cooled Spoken Here
6V To
12V Conversion - Check List
How does
the fuel gauge work and how do I test it?
UPDATE 06/14/2019:
It is with a very heavy heart that I must bid you all farewell.
Grave health concerns have surfaced and the end, I fear, is nigh.
Being a small part of the VW world has been one of the most uplifting experiences for me.
VW's must have been in my blood from the beginning; I was but a toddler when the first Beetle/KdF-Wagen prototypes were undergoing endurance testing on the road, ca. 1938.
Hats off to the Brits and Major Hirst for saving Volkswagen from certain obscurity 7 years after that endurance testing. Without their bold post-war plan for the factory none of the VW heritage we enjoy today would exist.
Warmest wishes to all of you and thanks for your interest and support over these many years.
I'm very sorry but I won't be able to respond to any email so please hold off on any correspondence.
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of America, Inc.
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are registered trademarks
and copyright VWoA. Any references to VW are for descriptive purposes
All product names on this site are the trademarks of the respective companies.
NOTE: All information on these
pages is copyright by Jim Mais.
Please do not copy these pages for
other than your personal use.
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